There is a good information online course available that will teach you in a step-by-step manner exactly how to create a home-based woodworking business. The following is a list of what is contained in the course:
The following is a list of what is contained in the course:
A guidebook with 53 pages of information about starting a woodworking business.
An audio presentation of the same guidebook. Perfect for listening to while driving or in your workshop.
An option to also receive hard copies of the guidebook and the audio version on CD.
A downloadable e-Book of 500 highly detailed plans of woodworking projects specifically designed for use in the start-up of your woodworking business.
A free set of shed building plans.
Additionally, there is an option to buy a VIP package that includes:
More than 1000 contracts and legal documents covering the important aspects of your new woodworking business.
Another 150 premium woodworking plans.
A lifetime of direct personal consultation from the creator of the course. Yes, there is a real person, and you can actually contact him directly for personal guidance and advice about your woodworking projects and new business.
You will also receive what is referred to as the "Woodworking Bible". It's a huge book that contains just about every kind of woodworking project you could possibly imagine, including detailed plans on how to complete them.
Three e-Books about green energy with tips on how to reduce energy costs in your workshop.
Woodworking Business Basics
The tutorial ebook, which is also available in hardcopy form, that comes in the course is an impressive and comprehensive guide that literally takes you by the hand and shows you exactly what steps to take to create a successful woodworking business.
It covers every topic from how to develop a business plan to how to balance your costs and profits. It also shows you how to choose and properly price the products that you are going to promote, find customers both locally and nationally, maximize profits and retain customers.
It is not uncommon when starting a new business to become excited and want to rush into this new money-making venture. There is a great saying: "If you fail to plan, then plan to fail".
The program puts a great deal of emphasis on creating a solid and strong business model. A good plan starts with a little research. You need to determine your market, in other words, you have to think about who you are going to target as customers.
Your Woodworking Business Customers
Your customers will be determined by what you decide to sell. Although you can't actually control who will buy your products, you can choose which products will appeal to whatever group you would like to target.
When starting out, you may want to specialize in simpler more affordable projects that appeal to the more cost-conscious customers. A good example is average homeowners who want custom-made furniture but prefer simple and more reasonably priced designs.
Who you sell to is pretty much up to you. Look around your neighborhood, your city, or town and you can easily see what people use and want. There are many different projects that you can produce that will make your woodworking business unique.
There are some really interesting product ideas in the woodworking project book that comes with the course, like nautical clocks, salt mills, pepper mills, jewelry boxes, toys, and many more. So, pick the category or niche that will appeal to your chosen customer base and go from there.
Woodworking Business Tips
On the business side of things, do not forget to include your time working as one of your business expenses. You need to compare the time spent on your woodworking business to what you could be earning doing something else.
This program is a great tool for someone who is serious about turning their woodworking hobby into a woodworking business. As with any business, there comes a time when you just cannot do it all b yourself. Hire help as necessary, if the budget allows, to complete your projects on time.
Depending on your situation, you could hire a person with a little less experience than yourself and teach them how to build your products. This would allow you time to develop more projects, and also market your business.
The bottom line is simple. Follow the tips and business-building steps in this program. Stay focused, follow your business plan, and you will have a successful woodworking business up and running in very little time.